The word on the street is that Snapchat is planning on getting showing best friends back. This feature was removed back in 2015 due to Privacy concerns. But it might be added again. Other than this Snapchat is no new place for slang. The newest slang is Pft. But let’s be honest, does a high Snapchat score of your friend bother you? Well, there is a way how Snapchat’s score is calculated. So there isn’t much for you to worry about. But what do the emojis really mean on Snapchat? Here is all your need to know about what do emojis mean on Snapchat. 

What Do Emojis Mean On Snapchat?

Emojis on Snapchat don’t usually mean the same as on chats. Every Snapchat emoji means something different. Let’s see what do emojis mean on Snapchat.

💕 Two Pink Hearts- Two pink hearts are the ultimate proof of your friendship, well according to Snapchat. You will get the two pink hearts emoji when you and your friend have been #1 BF’s for two consecutive months. This is kind of an upgrade to the ❤️Red Heart emoji. 

❤️ Red Heart-  You and your friend will have the ❤️ red heart emoji when you have been #1 BF’s for two consecutive weeks. 

💛 Yellow Heart- Snapchat rewards you and your friend with a yellow heart emoji if you send each other the most snaps. This also means that you both are each other’s  #1 Best Friend!

😊 Smiling Face- This emoji on Snapchat means that you are this person’s best friend and they are yours. You both send each other the most snaps.

🔥 Fire- The 🔥emoji is a symbol for Streaks on Snapchat. Streaks mean that you have snapped this person every single day and they have snapped you back. The number beside the 🔥emoji will increase day by day as you keep snapping each other. 

💯 Hundred- You will get this emoji on Snapchat when you have snapped your friend for consecutive 100 days! Now that is a commitment!

⌛ Hourglass– The ⌛emoji is Snapchat’s way of reminding you that your streak with your friend will end soon. Better snap back to maintain your Streak.

😬 Grimacing Face- You get this emoji on Snapchat when your #1 Best Friend is also their #1 Best Friend. But you both are not each other best friends. Yikes! I mean who wants to share their Best Friend? Not me.

😏 Smirking Face- This is another one on Snapchat’s emoji that makes the situation between you and your friend even more awkward. This emoji means that you are one of their best friends, but they are not one of yours.

😎 Face With Sunglasses- You get this emoji on Snapchat when you and your contact have a mutual best friend. You send the most snaps to the same person that they do. 

🎂 Birthday Cake- It’s your friend’s birthday! Snapchat adds this emoji beside the user who has their birthday. 

🌟 Glowing Star- A glowing star on Snapchat means your friend has their snap replayed in the past 24 hour

Now you know what do emojis mean on Snapchat. No more confusion with your situationship. But do you know about the Zodiac emojis? Here is a list of all the zodiac emojis on Snapchat. Also, read How to Add Snapchat Widget to Lock Screen in 2022?

Zodiac Emoji on Snapchat

After knowing what do emojis mean on Snapchat, let me tell you about the Zodiac Emojis. Snapchat also adds zodiac emoji’s beside the person’s profile. Let’s see what the purple zodiac emoji mean on Snapchat. 

♈ – This emoji is for Aries (March 21 – April 20) zodiac.♉ -This emoji is for Taurus (April 21 – May 21).♊ – This emoji denotes Gemini (May 22 – June 21).♋ – This emoji is for Cancer (June 22 – July 22) zodiac sign.♌ – This is for a Leo (July 23 – August 22) zodiac.♍ – This one’s for a Virgo (August 23 – September 23)♎ – This zodiac emoji is for Libra (September 24 – October 23).♏ – This one denotes the Scorpio (October 24 – November 22) zodiac.♐ – This one’s for a Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) Zodiac.♑ – This is for a pretty Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) zodiac.♒ – This zodiac emoji is for Aquarius (January 21 – February 19).♓ – This zodiac emoji is used for Pisces (February 20 – March 20) zodiac.

Also, read What Does Other Snapchatters Mean on Snapchat Story?

Snap Icons On Snapchat

I have told you what do emojis mean on Snapchat and the quirky Zodiac Emojis. Now, let’s see the chat icons. Chat Icons on Snapchat help you know if the snap has no sound, is with sound, or is a chat message. Similarly, these icons let you know which snap your friends have opened.  Here is a list of all the snap icons on Snapchat. These Snap icons will be shown on your side of the chat. While your friend will see these icons for received snaps. Your friend will see these snap icons after they view your snaps. Now, you will see these snap icons once your friends have viewed your snaps. As we are talking about Snapchat, how can screenshots go unnoticed? Once your friend has seen the snaps, they can take a screenshot as well. Let’s see what the screenshot icons look like for different snaps.  Also, read How to Reactivate Snapchat Account in 2022 (Solved)

Wrapping Up

So now you know what different emojis mean on Snapchat. Snapchat practically has an emoji for every single thing. So, it is hard for anything to go unnoticed on Snapchat. Share this article with your friends to let them know, that you know. IYKWIM. We will keep coming up with more such trending social media topics. Keep visiting Path of EX for more!


What Do Emojis Mean On Snapchat  Beginner s Guide In 2022 - 14What Do Emojis Mean On Snapchat  Beginner s Guide In 2022 - 98What Do Emojis Mean On Snapchat  Beginner s Guide In 2022 - 90What Do Emojis Mean On Snapchat  Beginner s Guide In 2022 - 75What Do Emojis Mean On Snapchat  Beginner s Guide In 2022 - 4What Do Emojis Mean On Snapchat  Beginner s Guide In 2022 - 6