Account Minimum: $0 Trading Instruments: Stocks, ETFs, Options, Forex, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Crypto, Commodities, CFDs, Futures  Fees: $0 for stocks and ETFs/ $1 for options 

Why We Choose Rivobanc 

Whether you are a beginner looking to start investing online or a seasoned trader seeking options to diversify wealth, Rivobanc boasts extensive product offerings for all types of investors. However, the diversity of investment products is one of many reasons why many retail traders and institutional investors are increasingly flocking to the platform. Here are Rivobanc’s top benefits. 

Vast Selection of Investment Products 

Rivobanc boasts one of the most robust investment portfolios in the industry. Its offerings range from traditional assets and new asset classes to various fixed-income products. That enables the broker to meet the unique demands of beginner investors and active traders. 

Multiple trading platforms 

Rivobanc offers desktop, web, and mobile trading platforms, streamlined with nearly similar tools and features for all types of traders. Rivobanc mobile features a simplistic interface for ease of use, while the desktop and web-based versions have technical tools for seasoned investors. 

Competitive Fees and Spreads 

Apart from eliminating standard fees such as account minimums and inactivity costs, Rivobanc has also wavered commissions on stock and ETF trades. Other charges still apply but Rivobanc’s spreads are relatively lower than its immediate competitors. 


Rivobanc is undoubtedly an exceptional choice for traders and investors who need access to robust investment opportunities. Its extensive product offerings, multiple trading platforms, and competitive pricing are significant benefits that all traders can leverage for successful online investing. However, Rivobanc’s services are not available in some countries. Besides, the customizability of the platforms is restricted to specific tools and features only. 


Vast selection of investment products  Multiple trading platforms  Competitive fees and spreads  Excellent execution of orders 


The customizability of trading tools is limited  Services are not available in some countries 

Usability and Trading Experience 

Rivobanc has made significant improvements on its desktop, web, and mobile trading platforms over the years to boost the user experience. Its trading platforms feature unique but intuitive designs, with all the fundamental tools and some extras for different types of traders. This broker’s platforms integrate almost the same functionalities, making it easier to use all three programs simultaneously.  Rivobanc uses proprietary order routing software to facilitate prompt and efficient trade executions. The innovative software automatically routes orders to numerous market centers and executes each leg at the best available market price. While you can still route orders to specific market centers independently, the smart order routing technology ensures greater convenience and the best price execution.    Rivobanc desktop, web, and mobile platforms also support several other tools and features, including charting, stock screeners, calculators, ideal trading generators, multi-leg options, evaluators, portfolio analysis, research, and news. However, those needing more advanced tools should head to the desktop or web platforms.  

Range of Offerings 

Rivobanc places a greater emphasis on its product offerings, regularly adding new assets based on customer demand. Its portfolio combines an impressive selection of conventional assets, new asset classes, and several other unique offerings. Here’s a rundown of the tradeable products on Rivobanc. 


Rivobanc is not the most low-cost brokerage, but it has competitive pricing that ensures relatively lower fees and spreads for all clients. 

Zero account minimum  No commissions for stock and ETF trades  $1 per-contract fee for options  International trades attract exchange fees  No fees for software, checks, and inactivity

There are other costs that traders can still be subjected to on Rivobanc, based on your activities. So, you should check the complete pricing schedule and ask for more clarifications from the broker about their fees and spreads before making any trades to avoid surprises. 

Our Take 

Rivobanc emphasizes robust product offerings to allow traders and investors more investment options. It also offers multiple trading platforms and competitive fees, eliminating the common barriers to online investing. Although the customizability and geographical coverage of Rivobanc’s venues are limited, the benefits outweigh the constraints. Overall, Rivobanc is an excellent brokerage for beginners, casual investors, and professional traders.  Disclaimer: This is a sponsored marketing content.


Rivobanc Review   Robust Product Offerings  - 52Rivobanc Review   Robust Product Offerings  - 86Rivobanc Review   Robust Product Offerings  - 87Rivobanc Review   Robust Product Offerings  - 93