Facebook Marketplace is a great platform to attract potential customers. With all the tools, you can grow your business in leaps and bounds on Facebook. The first step would be to make your post shareable. This will help your business when people share it and get future clients or customers. If you are just starting out, you can also change the location of your Facebook Marketplace to local. You can manage the orders in an efficient way if you set your location to local. Once you feel like you have a system, you can change the location of your Marketplace Business account. But is there any way you can know who is stalking your page? Here is all you need to know about how to tell if someone is stalking your Facebook page.

How to Tell If Someone is Stalking Your Facebook Page?

You can know if a user of FB is stalking your page without using any third-party apps. I would not recommend using third-party apps if you are concerned that you might have a stalker. Here is your answer for how to tell if someone is stalking your Facebook page. Also, read How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace: Ultimate Guide for Beginners

1. Unsoliciated Friend Requests

One easy way to tell if someone is stalking your Facebook page is to keep an eye on your friend requests. If someone is stalking your Facebook page or your even your account, you will receive their friend request. Once or twice might seem alright. But if you keep receiving a friend request from a FB user multiple times, they might be stalking your page. Let me tell you other ways to know who is stalking your page. Also, read Can You See Who Views Your Facebook Profile? Oct 2022 Updated

2. Check Notifications for New Likes on Old Posts

Another way to find out who is stalking your Facebook page is to see your notifications. If someone is stalking your profile, they will like your old posts, maybe even some really old posts. Unless the user is stalking your page, no one will scroll through your page to see your posts from 2-3 years ago. Also, read What Does Pending Mean on Facebook Marketplace & How To Mark Pending

3. Check Notifications for New Comments on Old Posts

Another way to tell if someone is stalking your Facebook page is to look at the new comments on your old posts. Similar to the one I have mentioned above, if anyone is stalking your profile. You can filter out your stalker by seeing the comments. Your stalker will surely leave a comment or two on your older posts. Let’s see the next warning you need to watch out for if you have someone stalking your Facebook profile. Also, read How to Find Saved Items on Facebook Marketplace on Desktop, iOS & Android

4. New Member/s in Your Facebook Groups

If you see a new user showing up in the groups that you are a part of, you can be sure that the person is most likely stalking you. This is another method on how to tell if someone is stalking your Facebook page. Since the Facebook interface is user-friendly, you can check this yourself. You won’t need any third-party apps to help you filter out your stalker from all your followers. Also, read How to See Who Follows You on Facebook? Check from PC and Mobile Easily

5. Suspicious Activity on Your Account

This one is very important, especially if you are worried you might have a stalker. You must take immediate action if you notice any suspicious activity on your Facebook page. The first thing you will have to do is change your password. If you have not enabled 2-factor Authentication, you need to activate it as well. This will ensure that if the stalker is trying to hack into your account, they won’t be able to. If you tend to ignore account activity notifications, you will have to take them more seriously. Also, read What is SKU on Facebook Marketplace | 20+ Steps to Set Up SKU Grid

Wrapping Up

So, now you have the answer on how to tell if someone is stalking your Facebook Page. You can use any of these ways to check if anyone is stalking your Facebook page. If you find that there is that one account that is showing up everywhere on your wall, you might have a stalker. We will keep coming up with more such updates on Facebook. Follow us, so you don’t miss out. Keep scrolling through Path of EX!


How to Tell If Someone is Stalking Your Facebook Page  Stalker Alert  - 52How to Tell If Someone is Stalking Your Facebook Page  Stalker Alert  - 35How to Tell If Someone is Stalking Your Facebook Page  Stalker Alert  - 34How to Tell If Someone is Stalking Your Facebook Page  Stalker Alert  - 68